Ladies News – February/March Update

At the end of February, there was a flurry of activity for the ladies – a couple of successful “away” novelty events, as well the commencement of the Bronze 1 Pennants.  At this time, thanks to the Board’s support for new memberships, we now have 96 ladies, and counting!

In the Southern Highlands, Gwen Chance won the Kathleen Armstrong Bowl – a proud winner and well played Gwen.  At Marrickville, Annie Porter, Lynne d’Ambrosio, Shannon Pickering and Margaret Grundy, represented The Coast in the Gay Pride Golf Tournament. Though our team didn’t win the most outlandishly dressed award (that went to the guest of honour drag queen), we received a prize for scoring well and coming in 6th place!

The Bronze 1 Pennants team has been on a solid winning streak and I don’t want to jinx them – suffice to say, they are in a strong position in readiness for the final on 14 April.  

It’s such a relief to be able to report on our tournaments and events, where no rain cancellations are involved!  The Individual Handicap Matchplay event went ahead and the final round saw Margaret Hogan edge ahead to win against Deb McDermott. Congratulations Margaret.  As you noted, it was a close game and both ladies agree, played in great spirit and with much enthusiasm.

The Foursomes Trophy was held over two weeks and the gross winners were Jess Ryan and Kerri Blyth.  With a very competitive push, Judy Skippen and Margaret Grant were the nett winners.  Well played and congratulations to the winners.  It was a huge field and the final was played on a hot day – thank you to Deb McDermott who took those wonderful photos of all the players.

The ladies committee is putting together an updated portfolio of official team photos and “happy snaps”.  Lady Captain Deb McDermott, is always at the ready to capture our golfing moments, and we celebrate these on our private social media platforms.  We will provide the Club office with photos where permission will be sought from individuals, regarding publication in official club journals and on the website.

Finally, thank you to the Club, the Reps Committee, the bar staff, friends and visitors for their support on our raffle nights.  And a special “hooray” to the ladies who regularly attend for the raffles and dinner afterwards – winners are definitely grinners!  

Margaret Grundy
Ladies’ President