Ladies News

On 11 May, we completed the second (final) round of the Midweek Championships. Congratulations to Robyn Sparling (C Grade), Shona Choy (B Grade) and Margaret Hogan (A Grade).  The overall nett winner was Jackie Worley.  The scores were close and very competitive over the two rounds – well played by all the lady players.  

Silver and Bronze 2 Pennants tournaments are well underway.  Friday 12 May has Silver at Kogarah, versus Kogarah – so far, so good but aiming for a clean sweep!   Bronze 2 will play Marrickville, at Woolooware on Friday 19 May.  No points as yet and very pleased we had a bye and hosting on Monday 8 May – those high winds and big ocean swells were spectacular, but a huge challenge for all players. 

Looking forward to the Club Anniversary Dinner on 20 May.  A momentous occasion for Sue Bracey, who will be commemorating 50 years of membership at The Coast. 

Margaret Grundy
Ladies’ President