Ladies Update

Keeping up with all the results coming in for both Silver and Bronze 2 Pennants.  On 19 May, we all headed south to Cronulla and Woolooware courses respectively.  The Silver team had a last minute scratching and our friendly bar staffer and member, Georgia Morris, made herself available at very short notice.  The Silver team was up against Cronulla – always a challenge, and they came very close to snatching it from the hosts – but went down 3/2. Great effort!  No team photo of the Silver girls as yet, but the team variously comprises Margaret Hogan, Carmel Fifield, Amanda White, Leanne Williams, Annie Porter, Judy Barrett, Sharyn Africh, Shona Choy, Kerri Blyth, Cathy McDonald, Maggie Crichton, Lorna Foley (who also stepped in at the last moment) and Georgia Morris.  Go girls!The Bronze 2 team had their first win of the season – against Marrickville, at Woolooware. A clean sweep of 5/0 so we are all very happy.  As always, these matches are played in great spirit and, at lunch, we enjoyed a drink (or two) with our friends from Marrickville. Our team is Jackie Worley, Titia Curtis, Cathy Balafoutis, Georgie Jones, Margaret Grundy, with reserves Sue Pickering and Julie Quigg.Another successful Ladies’ Raffle night on 12 May, with special Mother’s Day gift bags full of goodies and the usual excellent meat and seafood trays.  The Ladies’ Committee is thrilled at the continuing success of our raffles – thanks to all lady members for their support and donations.  The funds raised go towards the prizes, as well as our Pennants’ teams hosting days. Likewise, we acknowledge the support of the Friday night blokes, and visitors to Henry’s – a great captive audience and the club atmosphere is wonderful! Also we couldn’t do these raffle nights without the encouragement and assistance from club management, bar staff and our Club Reps Committee boys – Maurie, Michael and Anthony.  The second Friday of each month is “ladies’ night” – come along and join in the fun. Margaret GrundyPresident