Warren & Gibson Update – Round 2



It was a beautiful day for golf, with blue skies and light winds getting a bit heavier later on.  It was a tough fight, and all the matches were played in good spirit but the Antill boys wouldn’t miss a putt all day…

3’s Perry Stanbrook – Mitch Van-Homrigh

Mitch got his pennants debut, and it didn’t seem to faze him as he pumped a drive right down the middle on the first!  The pair were in a battle all day.  There was a theme in every group all day long, we would seemingly have the hole won but the Antill boys just kept binning putts from all over the green.  We showed tremendous poise though being 4 down with 5 to go.  We went on to win 3 out of the next 4 holes and had a chance to square the match on 18th ultimately losing 1 down            (Special thanks to Glen Hetherington and Super caddy Michael Kent being on the bags in this match)

2’s Ben O’Neill – Ben Gauci

The Ben’s continued their winning ways in a very tight match throughout and was no closer than 2 up or 2 down all day.  It was a fantastic match to watch as both players and caddies willed their way to the win.  All square going into 17, Ben O calmly drilled a putt to take the team 1 up.  Just like last week, Ben G then finished the match with a nifty up and down   winning 1 up           (Special thanks to Doug Wesney and George Neou for the super caddying)

1’s Mark Millican (Captain) – Noah Bennett

Our boys came to play, but the Antill 1’s seemed to be unstoppable on the day.  Chipping in on the first, binning 2 straight long putts on 3 and 4 saw our guys 5 down early (Antill being 2 under off the stick).  We showed a lot of fight, trying to find some kind of momentum.  Noah’s putter got hot on the back 9, but every putt he made, they seemed to make a longer one to match it.  Ultimately losing 4&3     (Special thanks to Steve Gaynor and Andy King on the bags)

Thanks to Maurie Rivett and Bruce Jennings who were out to support.

Up next is Lakeside at home 06 August at 11am.

Kevin Isch – Warrens Team Manager 2023


The team travelled south west, out to Antill park GC. Where we were treated to near perfect winter conditions, a bright and sunny 23C and a slight gust of wind every so often. For a country public course it held its own. Considering the lack of rain the area has received, over the winter period.


Straight from the get go the boys took the lead and had a strangle hold on the opposition. Some clinch putting at crucial  moments in the game,  just made the difference. They were like a dog with a bone…. Refused to let their opponents have a sniff of the lead. Great Victory away from home👍🏻

Won 4/2


It was Conners first outing as a Coast pennant player….And the contest was always going to head to the final holes. What a tussle…. A monster putt on the 15th, hurt like hell…..But the boys hung in until the 17th. A solid effort. Hard luck gents (ear muffs next time)

Lost 2/1

1’S – Mark Cummins & BRUCE DOMINISH

Another newbie to enter the pennant arena this year was Mark. What an intro….the opposition wins the 1st with a birdie….We win the 2nd with birdie. Pretty impressive start. This match see sawed all day. Both sides ended on the 18th tee box all square….Unfortunaly the home side made par on last to take the victory. Great battle gents well played.

Lost 1 down

All in all we gave Antill park a run for there money…. On any other given day, the cards may have fallen our way. Plenty of games remain for this season. Onward and upward👍🏻

Big Thanks to the travelling supporters and caddies.

Maurie Rivett, Bruce Jennings, George Neou, Steve Gaynor, Doug Wesney, Glen Hetherington, Andrew King.

Michael White (Stand in) – Gibsons Team Manager 2023