Warren & Gibson Update – Round 3

WARREN TEAM (halved 1.5 to 1.5)

We hit off with another windy day at The Coast, we were lucky enough to dodge the rain, however.  There was some high-level golf being played all day and all 3 matches were in the balance coming down the stretch.  In the end, we finished all square on the day.

3’s Andy King – Noah Bennett     Back together again in week 3, this pair combined well all day.  Like all matches on the day, this match was very close throughout.  We had a slight lead most of the round with some great golf being played.  Every time we made a push, they would seem to counter.  We encountered some bad luck on the last few holes and all of the sudden we found ourselves losing 3&1      (Special thanks to Daniel McNeill and Tony Lloyd being on the bags in this match)

2’s Ben O’Neill – Ben Gauci           This formidable pair continue to combine well and fight their way to victory.  Another high-level match throughout being tightly contested to the very end.  Our boys found themselves all square going into 16 and went on to win 16 and square 17.  1 up going into 18 they decided to add some drama by both hitting the ball into the dam.  However, they made a great recovery winning 1 up              (Special thanks to Ronnie and Ben Spicer-Marks being on the bags)

1’s Mark Millican (Captain) – Glen Hetherington                  Another great match to watch as both teams went on runs.  We had some flashbacks of last week when Lakeside 1 putted the first 4 greens going 2 up early.  Our boys stayed patient and turned 1 up.  It was very close on the back 9 with Lakeside refusing to miss long putts.  We found ourselves down 1 going into 18.  Needing to win the hole, Glen calmly knocked his approach shot onto the green to secure the Square  (Special thanks to Steve Gaynor and Perry Stanbrook on the bags)

Thanks to all the supporters who came out to spot (Luke Goodier, Merv Danne, Maurie Rivett, Bruce Jennings, Michael White, Paul Bonomy, Trevor Jay, Peter Woodward, Hamish Mccarthy, David Quigg, might have missed some).

As always, thanks to Captain Tony and Deb for supporting us all day.

Up next is @ Lakeside 13 August at 11am.

Kevin Isch – Warrens Team Manager 2023

Gibson Team (lost 2-1)

We hosted Camden Lakeside GC for our second home game.

The Coast dished up a cold (16 degrees max, more like 6) and blustery weather with 33k southerly winds, with these conditions they very much suited us Coasties.

Unfortunately the weather didn’t help our cause and our result was a loss 2 -1, it probably didn’t help that the Camden boys looked more like A-graders than C-graders, maybe they are a confused bunch out there in the wild west and think C-graders are A-graders.

3s – Connor Jelley & Tony Burnett – Started their round in great fashion and raced to 2 up early on, once the pressure was put on by the opposition they couldn’t hold onto their lead and went down 3 & 2 on the 16th. (Special thanks to Glenn Grainger and Willy Whitlam being Connor and Tony’s caddies)

2’s – Warren Hogan & Steve Day (Captain) – My two most experienced guys were under the pump all day playing against Jordan Spieth an Justin Thomas (names substituted for privacy reasons ), credit to Warren and Steve they didn’t give up and fought right to the end after being dormie from the 13th to eventually lose 5 & 3 on the 15th

1’s – Mark (Bucko) Cummins & Bruce Dominish – Wow what a match where we saw some absolute great golf from these guys and the professional opposition of Ian Baker-Finch and Colin Montgomery (also names substituted for privacy reasons although they had really nice blades), the opposition really took it to our guys and were long and straight all day, the turning point for the match was when super caddy Merv Danne took control of Mark Cummins bag and all of sudden Mark started hitting the ball straight, hallelujah its a miracle. This took pressure off Bruce and all of a sudden the Camden pro’s were now the hunted and starting to choke, the boys raced to 2up after 16th and got the win on the 17th 3 & 1. (Special thanks to Gary Kennedy and Merry Danne for being Bruce and Marks caddies)

Huge thanks to Paul Bonomy, Bruce Jennings, Trevor, Rep committee and the rest of the supporters, we really appreciate it. Also to Captain Tony for providing your sound advice in rulings and Deb, your help is never unnoticed.

Next round we are away at Camden Lakeside, if we put the pressure on the opposition next Sunday like our 1’s, we may bring a win away from home this coming Sunday.

Douglas Turnbull – Gibsons Team Manager 2023