Warren & Gibson Update – Rounds 4 & 5

ROUND 5 (Home vs Barnwell Park)

Warren Team

It was a beautiful day to be playing golf at The Coast.  Teeing off with light winds and blue skies the team was in good spirits to start round 5.  The matches were tightly contested throughout, but in the end, we walked away with another home win 2.5 – 0.5.

3’s Mitch Van-Homrigh – Perry Stanbrook              This match saw our guys in control for most of the match, jumping out early to go 3 up through 9.  Mitch and Perry combined well all day and played some great golf.  Barnwell made a late push to keep the match tight, however, we kept our cool and finished them off on 17 with a great approach shot by Perry winning 2&1    (Special thanks to Mark Millican and Steve Gaynor on the bags in this match)

2’s Tony Lloyd – Glen Hetherington           It was great to see Tony get his season debut this year!  Both Glen and Tony combined brilliantly.  They started out of the gates on fire and continue throughout.  They found themselves 5 up with 5 to play, until they let a few slip before Tony got to his signature 16th hole.  Just like last year, he finished them off with a brilliant birdie on 16 winning 4&2         (Special thanks to Super Caddy Michael Kent and Kingy being on the bags)

1’s Ben O’Neill – Ben Gauci           The quest to stay undefeated for the season was on for the Ben’s.  They came up against an inspired Barnwell pair that gave them their biggest test of the season.  I was told that between both pairs, the match was 4 under on the day.  All square down 16, Barnwell made a 25-footer for birdie to go 1 up in the match.  Ben O made an incredible bunker save on 17 (by putting it out of the bunker!) to even the match.  They would square 18 and finish all square to retain their undefeated title for the season        (Special thanks to Nick O’Neill and Ben Spicer-Marks on the bags)

Thanks again to all the supporters who came out to spot (Maurie Rivett, Bruce Jennings, Paddy Kelly Michael White, Paul Bonomy, Trevor Jay, Gary Kennedy, Brendan Whelan, David Quigg, might have missed some).

As always, thanks to Captain Tony and Deb for their support.

Up next is @ Barnwell Park 27 August at 10:30am.

Kevin Isch – Warrens Team Manager 2023

Gibson Team

We hosted Barnwell Park GC for our third and last home game of the season.

The weather was beautiful with a nice easterly wind, our guys turned up today with a nothing to lose attitude and it really showed and this produced a great result of a 3  – 0 win.

3s – Mark (Bucko) Cummins & Tony Burnett – it was great to see these guys go out there and really take it up to the opposition, and they did not disappoint as they turned 4 up at the 9th and came away with win of 2 and 1 great stuff guys ( special mention to Merv Danne “Super Caddy” and Willy Whitlam for caddying for Tony and Mark”. 

2’s – Steve Day (C) & Greg Thomson “Hec” – This game was a ding dong battle with some amazing golf played from both sides, a special mention about Hec having a great game and chipping in on the 11th to square the hole an also holding his nerve putting under pressure on the 17th to go 1 up which sent us down the 18th to ensure the Coast will not lose any game for the day amazing. With this never say die approach we ended up winning 2 up on the 18th.

1’s Connor Jelley & James Hughes – These 2 new bloods come of age today, especially Connor who really has blossomed into a good match player, they leapt to a early lead and turned at the 9 4up and never relinquished the lead with a great win of 3 and 2 on the 16th (Special thanks to Glenn Grainger and Khaliffe as James and Connor’s caddies)

Huge thanks to Paul Bonomy (always there in mind and spirit), Bruce Jennings, Micheal White, Maurie Rivett , Trevor Jay, Captain Tony DK and David Quigg for his great spotting on the around the thank you.

Next and last round we are home away at Barnwell Park, and hopefully another win.

Douglas Turnbull – Gibsons Team Manager 2023

ROUND 4 (Away vs Lakeside GC)

Warren Team

We were prepared for a cold and rainy day, but we were pleasantly surprised with perfect golfing weather yet again.  Both teams picked off where they left off last week, it was a great battle all day from all three groups.  We were in with a chance going into the back nine in all matches, unfortunately they outlasted us winning 2-1

3’s – Andy King – Perry Stanbrook                 The two stalwarts played some fantastic golf all day but had a real battle on their hands against an undefeated pairing.  Every time I would check in, they would calmly indicate all square.  They were cool and calm all day and brought their short game showing off some awesome chipping and putting.  Unfortunately, the competition decided to start making some bombs on the last few holes to push out a late lead ultimately losing 3&2     (Special thanks to Tony Lloyd handling both the bags in this match)

2’s – Ben O’Neill – Ben Gauci           I don’t have many more superlatives I can say about the Bens.  Coming up against a fellow undefeated pairing they had a huge challenge on their hands.  Lakeside jumped out quickly making 2 or 3 birdies early.  We found ourselves 3 down before catching stride and getting back to even.  Lakeside made another push going 2 up.  At this point, we had seen enough…Ben O drilled a 20-footer for birdie on 11 (his 3rd of the day) we would end up winning 5 of the next 7 holes (squaring 15 in birdies Ben G) ultimately winning 3&1    (Huge shout out to George Neou, maybe the new Super Caddy! for being on both the bags)

1’s – Mark Millican (Captain) – Glen Hetherington                  Our other all-time undefeated pairing came out of the gates playing great.  However, they felt some déjà vu early on as Lakeside started out with three straight 1 putts going 2 under through 3.  We never gave up though and kept the match tight early on, turning on 2 down.  There were plenty of opportunities for the boys to capture some momentum, but the putts just kept skimming the edges.  In the end, they tasted their first defeat losing 5&4 (Special thanks to Steve Gaynor and Super Caddy Michael Kent on the bags)

Thanks to the supporters who came out to spot (Maurie Rivett, Bruce Jennings)

Up next is @ home against Barnwell Park – 20 August at 11am.

Kevin Isch – Warrens Team Manager 2023

Gibson Team

We ventured out to Camden Lakeside GC for our 4th game of the season.

With a slim hope of knocking off these upstarts and wow what a nice golf course to look at and it really suited the theme of being the secret training course for golf pro’s of the future .

The weather was fine with promise of rain later in day for which it came on in spits and spats, our result unfortunately was a loss 2.5  – .5, with the Camden (pros) boys in their backyard and local knowledge really made it hard for us to get into a rhythm however a big applause to our guys who battled hard all day to make these pros earn their win.

3sConnor Jelley & Tony Burnett – The boys battled all day and when finally getting momentum after a win on the 13th and a half on the 14th, they then received some bad luck with one of the Camden pros putting off the green and striking Tony’s ball to ricochet to within a few inches of the pin for a pick-up to give us a loss of 4 & 3 on the 15th to snuff out any chance of a revival. 

2’sWarren Hogan & James Hughes – This game was a ding dong battle with some amazing golf played from both sides, a special mention to James’s 30 metre putt off the green to win the second hole was incredible. Our guys tenacious never say die approach took the Camden pros right to the 17th with a loss of 2 & 1.

1’sMark (Bucko) Cummins & Bruce Dominish – Bruce started strong from the first tee and put pressure on the number 1 pros for Camden, true to the Camden pros class they fought back to gain a slender lead, however as stated above with our 2s Bruce and Mark also had the never say die attitude and got it back to square on the 17th and halved the match on the 18th. (Special thanks to Gary Kennedy as Bruce and Marks caddy)

Huge thanks to Paul Bonomy (always there in spirit), Bruce Jennings and Maurie Rivett 

Next round we are home against Barnwell Park, look forward to seeing you there.

Douglas Turnbull – Gibsons Team Manager 2023