Master Pennants Report (Relegation Final)

After our misfortunes of having our last round game cancelled and Bankstown keeping their course opened for their Masters must win game to stay out of the relegation ( they won 7-1), we were in the game to stay in Division 2 against Glenmore Heritage at the fabulous Marrickville Golf Club.

It was a very wet and raining Sunday morning as we arrived in the dark for the 7am start. Things are different at Marrickville as I was shocked when the pro was driving out all the golf carts on a course that should not have been opened as it was basically unplayable with water and mud. So we just had to put that out of our thoughts and concentrate on trying to win.

The selection committee thought hard about the line up and the order of play and made the decision to send Alman up the order to play in the number one position. All the squad was available and we were confident of the win. Somehow it doesn’t always turn out how you plan. By the 9th hole it was very tight with a couple of games in front and a few behind. Something had happened to the final group as suddenly they were three holes behind. Alman later made the comment he had seen glaciers move faster than their top two players.

I made the decision to leave them as Alman and Conrad were holding their own and went to the first games that were all tight and were going to go the distance. George came through with our first point and that was offset in the same group when Mark went down on the last hole. In the next group Gary was grinding hard and made eight pars in a row to finally hold on 1up. Paul was 2 down and then started playing some great golf. He got back to square playing the last and hit a super shot to just over a metre and when his opponent three putted we had our 3rd point.

In the next group Tony had struggled all day against a great chip and putt merchant and went down on the 17th hole. Oliver was firing early and established a big lead but was gradually pegged back and came to the last 1up and when he hit his tee shot on the green and made par we had our 4th point. Being a good Manager, I had my phone on silent and jumped in the cart and headed back a few holes to find the last group.

As I pasted George he was happy and said that Conrad had already won. I had to check as the last I had seen, he was square after 11 holes. When I checked my phone he had let us know he had won and that was our fifth point and enough to clinch the match. As I caught them on the 17th and told Alman the match was over and he could pick up and his game would be a draw, he said you just had to come a few minutes later as he was 1 up and his opponent who at number one was undefeated all year and was dead in the trees and Alman was just short of the green with a definite win coming. Sorry Alman but you proved yesterday your ability when it was needed. So the final result was a 5.5 to 2.5 win.

What a great team effort after all the unfortunate issues through the season and gives us hope going forward that we can get to the playoffs next year.

Team for this Game was: Alman & Conrad, Oliver &Tony, Paul & Gary, Mark & George.

A big thank you to Tony for his assistance as for the early part I was playing and needed all his help. What would we do without our No.1 fan and supporter Bruce Jennings our sponsor for trudging his way through the mud until he found my cart and being there each game. The lone caddy Glen for getting out of bed and walking through the mud and water at 7am, a big thanks for your support. Lastly to Paul our captain for your thoughts on selection and being available to sell raffle tickets.

Just a final thank you to the Rep Committee for all their assistance.

Results were:

Alman Ogane              Square

Conrad Weber            W 4&2

Oliver Young               W 1up

Tony Podvorec           L 3&1

Paul Bonomy              W 1up

Gary Kennedy             W 1up

Mark Sheedy              L 2 down

George Neou              W 3&1

John Wachman

Team Manager


Round 5 and we had a must win home game against Woolooware who were at the top of the division. What a difference a day makes with 100mm+ of rain on Friday and Saturday and then sunshine on Sunday.

For the first time this season we had all players available and the Manager made the tough decision to drop himself (easy actually) and try and do the job he applied to do. It is definitely different on the other side worrying how the team is going compared to playing. Thanks Tony, I now know how you feel every week..

With all the big guns back I was very confident of a comfortable win. It didn’t turn out that way as we were once again in a tight struggle at half way with the Woolooware boys holding a narrow lead. Come the back nine which is our domain and suddenly we were losing holes not winning them. Some great efforts with Tony and George getting our first points. Then Mark Sheedy playing the last all square, from a distance I thought he may have missed a downhill putt and we would have been cooked. To my surprise he made the putt and salvaged a great half. So we were all back watching Conrad and Oliver at the top of the order knowing our only hope of victory was both of them winning.

Conrad made a great par on 17 to go 1up and when his opponent landed in the water on 18, Conrad held on for a 2up win. Now the story of the day was Oliver. He was 3 down with four to play back never gave up and after holing a nice down hill putt on 16 to get back to one down, played the shot of the day with his second on 17 from the rough landing it 30cm from the cup and getting back to square with one to go. He absolutely flushed a drive to 15 metres short of the green on 18 and when his opponent hit over the back with his second, Oliver hit to 3 metres under the hole. His opponent then took 3 to get down and conceded so we got out of gaol with a 4.5 -3.5 win

What a great team effort and the boys made me proud in my first go at managing. As captain Tony kept reminding me, the hair was getting grey very quickly.Next week we have the return game at Woolooware and there may be some discussion with the selection panel on the best way to try and win away.

Game 5 team : Conrad & Oliver, Paul &Tony, Alman & Gary, Mark & George.

A big thank you to Tony for his assistance as always . The caddies Glen, Scotty, Michael and guest Cooper. It was good to see some support from Cooper, Kevin, Heidi, Barossa and Maurie.

Again the 19th was a great place to be with the pizza’s and beer. The Woolooware boys like their beer as they used the bar for their warm up instead of hitting balls before the game and were still there when we had left for home.

Final results for the day were:

Conrad Weber            W 2up

Oliver Young               W 1up

Paul Bonomy             L 3&2

Tony Podvorec           W 5&4

Alman Ogane              L 5&4

Gary Kennedy             L 4&2

Mark Sheedy              Square

George Neou              W 3&1

John Wachman

Team Manager

Round 4 – AWAY vs Bankstown

Off into the industrial area of Milperra to play at the “green space” known as Bankstown Golf Club. As with most of Sydney, rain has caused issue with the course with carts not available, preferred lie thru the general area and numerous bunkers out of play.

Manager John Wachman played again at No 1, followed by Conrad Weber, Paul Bonomy, Tony Podvorec, Alman Ogane, Mark Sheedy, Phil Hogg and George Neou.

Today a new “Master Pennant” debut for The Coast. Conrad Weber, the winner of numerous club championships and events has joined the senior ranks of golf, and we all wished him well. The fairy tale round was hoped by all.

The weather was back into “fine” mode today. Although a bit crisp for the 9.00am start from the 10th tee. Something about not being able to mow greens early on the front 9 early due to noise interfering with the neighbours sleep in!!

Again a variety of golf shots were played today.

A nervous acting manager Tony (again) roamed the course with Debbie keeping tabs of the team’s progress. A lot of minus on the score sheet.

At the turn it was not looking good with xx down.

In the end after 18 holes Bankstown were victorious with a 61/2 to 11/2 result winning the day. Another courageous captain’s game by John Wachman to win 2/1 and a fight from being down by Mark Sheedy to square on the 18th  A couple of games where there for the taking but a couple of shots over the last few holes cost wins.

Today’s shot of the day was actually 2 shots??
a) the final putt of the day on the 18th by Jorg Knoflack from Bankstown playing Conrad at #2 for a birdie and a great win. Not the fairytale we were expecting.
b) The downhill put by Paul Bonomy on Par 3 # to win a hole

Many thanks to caddies today: Scott Haywood and the return of the great Steve Day, with his note in his back pocket from last week (actually he blamed the player!!)

Again out to support the old guys was again Debbie to keep Tony on his toes. Rep Team Sponsor Bruce Jennings and the not forgotten Maurie Rivett who arrived later in the day. No early start for them.

As John played, I again stepped back into the managers role. That’s now 1 and 3.
John will be wearing his manager’s cap next week, so I can step back and wait for a ruling requirement

Again missing a couple of players from the squad and hope to have them back next week where we play Woolooware at home. We need some valuable games in the 2 remaining games as we sit last in our divisions and close to the big R………

Final scores

John Wachman        Won 2/1                                Conrad Weber          Lost 1 down

Paul Bonomy            Lost 5/3                                  Tony Podvorec         Lost 2/1

Alman Ogane           Lost 5/4                                  Mark Sheedy            Square

Phil Hogg                  Lost 4/3                                  George Neou            Lost 6/4

Tony de Kievit

Assistant Team Manager

Round 3 – Home vs Bankstown

Home today vs another team in our division, Bankstown Golf Club.

We needed a home win today as we sat 0/2

What a deal we are getting from mother nature this season. Global wetting????

500mm for April May and overnight another 160mm

Pity Jordan and his team on another rebuild of bunkers. They’re getting too much practice.

Manager John Wachman played again and stepped up to No 1, followed by Oliver Young, Paul Bonomy, Tony Podvorec, Alman Ogane, Mark Sheedy, Phil Hogg and George Neou.

The weather was back in our favour today at hit off. 20-40km SW winds with plenty of water around..

A 7.00am inspection by Captain Tony noted how good the course stood up to the Saturday rain and declared course open & game on.

A variety of golf was again observed over the next 4 ½ hours, both good, bad and bloody ugly…………..
Who did not get over the creeks playing 8, and looked like he may have needed relief from the ladies tee box?

A couple of 3 putts on 8 mmm!!

At the turn it was not looking good with the top 4 down.

A nervous acting manager Tony (again) stood on 16 hill watching implosion everywhere. Was noted practising a swing for maybe inclusion next week..

And then The Coast fired up with Tony and George winning 17 and then Paul and John 18

In the end after 18 holes The Coast won the day 6/2 with the great charge home. The back 9 is our 9!!

A great game of Match Play where I expect Bankstown are already working on a plan when we go to their place next weekend.

Today’s shot of the day was the final putt of the day by John Wachman. Again at the hard #1 position, all square playing 18, an uphill 10m? putt got to the hole, then fell in for a birdie and a great win.

Many thanks to caddies today: Scott Haywood and Michael White. We need a note from super caddy Steve Day on his absence.

Also out to support was again Rep Team Sponsor Bruce Jennings and Anthony Ragusa helping spot balls

As John played, I again stepped back into the managers role. That’s better, now 1 and 2. Again thanks to Debbie (DJ) for being the Club’s Match Official for the day. No rulings required today so she stayed warm inside the clubhouse as we braved the wind and cold.

Round 2 – Home vs Eastlakes

Home and away, last week at Eastlake, home today V Eastlake.

Hope to return the result from last Sunday to be back all square

Today’s team changed from last week due to some family and health issues. That is why we have a “squad” to cover the season and uncontrollable situations.

Manager John Wachman played again and stepped up to No 1, followed by Oliver Young, Paul Bonomy, Tony Podvorec, Alman Ogane, Mark Sheedy, Phil Hogg and Michael White

What a great Sunday for a game of golf. Calm and sunny.

Again the wind machine failed to switch on

A variety of golf was observed over the next 4 ½ hours, both good, bad and bloody ugly…………..
Who did not get over the dam playing 8?

Who played from 14 into 15 green?

In the end after 18 holes Eastlakes won the day 1/2 to The Coast 3 1/2 . Again Eastlake having the edge over us at home.

As usual, Match Play brings out all sorts of shots from the short missed putt, chip in or a bounce onto the fairway from a tree.

Today’s shot of the day was the 2nd shot into16 by Olicver Young, a downhill lie which ended up below the pin  which was only 2m onto the green, with the putt made. This took Oliver 2 up against the Eastlake legend Chris Hicks. Oliver went on to hit a great shot into the 17 hole with 2 putts for a 4 and to win the match

Many thanks to caddies today: Steve Day and Anthony Ragusa

As John played, I again stepped back into the managers role. Not a good start 0/2…….., so thanks to Debbie (DJ) for being the Club’s Match Official for the day. A potential ruling required on 12 but when they saw DJ in attendance, they played on without question.

Also thanks to Bruce Jennings who came out again and watched the team from 9 onwards, but today we were “crowded out” by the mob from Eastlakes, all following Chris Hicks

Final scores

John Wachman        Lost 3/2                                             Oliver Young            Won 2/1

Paul Bonomy            Lost 4/3                                              Tony Podvorec         Won 6/5

Alman Ogane           Won 5/4                                             Mark Sheedy            Lost 3/1

Phil Hogg                  Square                                               Michael White           Lost 6/5

Tony de Kievit

Assistant Team Manager

Round 1 – Away vs Eastlakes

Here we go again

Round 1 of the 2024 Master Pennant event

This year we take on Eastlakes, Bankstown and Woolooware

The team is similar to last year, with John Wachman taking over manager duties

Nominated team players := Oliver Young, John Wachman, Paul Bonomy, Conrad Weber, Tony Podvorec, Alman Ogane, Gary Kennedy, Phil Hogg, Mark Sheedy , George Neou and Michael White

What a great Sunday for a game of golf. Calm and sunny

Much better than the prior Saturday with winds 40-70kmh at The Coast. At least the sausages were good……….

Again, a variety of golf was observed over the next 4 ½ hours, both good, bad and bloody ugly…………..

And by both teams.

In the end after 18 holes the home team Eastlakes won the day 5 1/2 to The Coast 2 1/2

Well played all considering their team handicap ranged +0.1 to 4.8

As usual, Match Play brings out all sorts of shots from the short missed putt, chip in or a bounce onto the fairway from a tree.

Today’s shot of the day was the 2nd shot into 18 by John Wachman, which hit the hole and rolled away to app a foot for an easy birdie

Many thanks to caddies today: Steve Day and Michael White Also to Anthony Ragusa who came out for the back 9, 2 suburbs away from the clubhouse.

Final scores

Oliver Young            Lost 5/4                                              John Wachman        Won 2 up

Paul Bonomy            Lost 3/2                                              Gary Kennedy          Square

Tony Podvorec         Lost 2/1                                              Alman Ogane           Lost 3/2

Mark Sheedy            Won 4/3                                             Phil Hogg                  Lost 3/1

Tony de Kievit

Assistant Team Manager