Ladies News – October/ November

The latest and greatest from the wonderful world of women’s golf!  During October and November we had much to celebrate and claimed boasting rights for all manner of golf tournaments.  Did Amanda White mention she scored a whole in one?  And more championship golf at its best – many ladies in the winners’ circle at Batemans Bay, at Moore Park in the VWGA Foursomes and not forgetting Elissa Deenick winning the Gold Medal at The Coast.

It’s been a while since we conducted the Captain versus President team event so we were all pleased to front up in our team colours on 12 November.  Green and Gold – the Green machine won – congratulations to Anne McGregor and her players. 

More reasons to dress up on Thursday 17 November where 40 ladies celebrated an early Christmas.  Golf and lunch, with a prize for the best/most outlandish costumes.  A clear winner being the team of Stacy Garlick, Katie Swanson, Margaret Grant and Julie Quigg, though there were many commendations for the dress ups.  The best dressed team also won the 4BBB and Lois Worsley won the individual prize with a score of 37 – congratulations to everyone. It was a very enjoyable day and Henry’s at The Coast provided an exceptional lunch of Christmas fare.

On 21 November, The Coast was the course of choice for the VWGA International Cup, where 83 participants from 24 clubs were represented.  The players had to battle the high winds and though The Coast ladies are used to these conditions, it was a shocker with those westerlies.  However, Judy Barrett and Margaret Hogan won the day, with Lois Worsley and Shona Choy both again being in the winners’ circle as runners up in Division 2.  Joan Dunn, our Vet’s representative, was thrilled and proud of her girls and noted that many of The Coast ladies were in the ball rundown. 

The club has offered discount joining fees until 31 December and we continue to promote and celebrate women getting into golf.  Our membership is growing and this is great for the Club.  Looking forward to our Presentation Night on 3 December and Friday 9 December, for our next raffle night managed by the ladies’ committee.  All the fun of the fair!

Margaret Grundy

Ladies’ President