Locust Report 22/5/2023

Hi Everyone

On a much better weather wise day than yesterday (no 60k winds) a small crew of locusts got to work. It was also the PGA Trainee Pro golf day at the Coast.

·         Rough cutting for 4 hours. The rough is calming down due to the cooler conditions.

·         Scot removed more noxious weeds on LHS 12th

·         One GOAT only whipper snipped 4th hazard line, 6th back green, RHS 10th tee, front 17th green and along 13th and 14th coastline.

·         Other whipping done RHS 18th and LHS hill of 18th.

·         Mulching the gardens, front of club house and LHS 18th path to clubhouse.

·         Edge trimming the Lomandras along 18th path to club house.

·         Bush trimming LHS path 6th green as well as back of the green.

Trevor Jay (Chief Locust)