Ladies News – June 2023

The Pennants 2023 season is complete.  Whilst The Coast teams were not in the winners’ circle, we all enjoyed the experience and the fun of participation.  For the Southern Districts region, the Silver winning team was Kogarah and the Bronze 2 trophy went to Cronulla.  Next year, The Coast representative ladies will be keen to hold aloft the trophies for Bronze 1, Bronze 2 and Silver – watch this space for our ambitious clean sweep!The final of the 2BBB Handicap Matchplay was held on 27 May.  A large field started out in the qualifying round on 6 May, and many of the games in each round, went to the 18th…and the 21st. The successful pair for 2023 – Jackie Worley and Georgie Jones.  A great comeback to golf for you Georgie – we so admire your determination.  Personally, I am also pleased for Jackie, as she and I had been “bridesmaids” for this event a couple of times! Congratulations to you both – big celebrations expected on Presentation Night!It is great to see so many lady members playing each week, and especially our new members – though some are yet to join us in competition, as they continue with lessons and build up their confidence.The Get into Golf program, managed by The Coast Golf Shop, is attracting a steady stream of rookie lady golfers.  The Ladies’ Committee is working closely with The Coast resident professionals Jason King and Seb Howell, to ensure we build on that program and foster new memberships. For the first time since 2020, we are holding our Christmas in July social event.  We missed out due to Covid and wet weather, so our members and visitors are looking forward to the get together on 6 July.  We have 16 teams for golf, whale-watching, Santa’s visit, dress ups, brandy shots (for medicinal purposes, to keep out the cold!) and Christmas lunch – how good is The Coast?!Margaret GrundyLadies’ President