Local Rules & Course Conditions


CARTS – On (follow Signage)
Play As It Lies

All Bunkers in Play (including 5A Bunkers)



Rules In Focus

Click on the links below to view our Rules in Focus articles

Rules in Focus #1 – Playing a Provisional Ball

Rules in Focus #2 – Out of Bounds Beyond a Penalty Area

Rules in Focus #3 – Red and Yellow Penalty Areas

Rules in Focus #4 – Miscellaneous Rules – Part 1

Rules in Focus #5 – Miscellaneous Rules – Part 2


NEW Local Rule – 3rd Hole “Access Track”

The entire length and width of the access “track” across the beginning of the fairway for the 3rd hole (from the carpark to cliff top) is to be treated as Ground Under Repair (GUR) until further notice.

Free Relief is allowed when:

  • The player’s ball is in the GUR area as described above.
  • The GUR interferes with the player’s stance or area of their intended swing.

Rule 16.1



To be read in conjunction with Rules of Golf Publications (This includes the new Rules of Golf effective January 2023) as compiled by the R&A & USGA.

Penalty for breach of Local Rule



For the Full R&A Rules of Golf – Click Here


All course marking eg: tee markers, stakes defining penalty areas, GUR, drop zones, but not including out of bounds markers are to be treated as immovable obstructions and relief may be taken (RULE 16.1)

NB: A ball in a hazard- no relief without penalty if interfered by penalty area stake or immovable obstruction (RULE 16.1)


All distance markers are to the centre of the green

    • 200m (blue), 150m (white) & 100m (red) are identified by posts located at side of the fairway.

Distance posts are considered an immovable obstruction and relief may be taken under Rule 16.1.

Line of sight relief can not be taken.


All fixed sprinkler heads in the general area are immovable obstructions and relief from interference by them may be obtained under RULE 16-1.

If a ball lies off the putting green but not in a penalty area and is within two (2) club lengths of the intervening sprinkler head which is on or within two (2) club lengths of the green, it may be lifted, cleaned and dropped at the nearest point to where the ball lay which:

    • Is not nearer the hole

    • Is not in a penalty area or on a putting green


All garden beds are classified as General Area. (No relief)


All new work may be treated as GUR and relief taken (RULE 16)

May be indicated by white paint ground markings, white pegs or signage.


There is no provision in the Rules of Golf or our Local Rules for this condition. This means no line-of-sight relief from distance posts, safety screens, bridges, seats & bins etc.


(Course maintenance vehicles and golf carts/pull-buggies)

General Area:

    • A player whose ball comes to rest in a wheel track caused only by golf course maintenance tractors, they may take relief without penalty, within one club length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief, but not in a penalty area (RULE 16).

    • If the ball lies through the green, on a wheel track, in areas of the course where carts are directed by the Course Superintendent by signage or ropes, but not on a made path, the player may lift the ball and drop it, without penalty, within one club length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief, but not in a penalty area (RULE 16)


Defined pathways constructed from Bitumen, Concrete, Plastic Matting and Crushed rock / road-base are to be treated as immovable obstructions and relief may be taken. This includes the white rock path area at the emergency access point from Bilga Crescent on the 13th hole.

(RULE 16).


    • Indicated by White and Black topped stakes, painted lines or signage.

    • Right-hand side of the 1st hole. Areas adjacent to Practice Areas, Golf Shop, Cart Shed, Greenshed and Storage Compound. 
    • On bitumen entry access roads and associated gutter system adjacent to Clubhouse and car parks and includes grass areas under wire protective fences in main carpark.
    • When playing the 3rd Hole the internal OOB to the east of the 18th green encompassing the teaching fairway and picnic tables bordered by the entry road.

    • The adjoining St Michaels Golf Course (5th and 6th) and Randwick Golf Course (13th).

    • Over any course boundary (permanent or temporary).

    • Left of staked lateral penalty area adjacent to left hand side of 7th Hole.

    • Over the brick walls fronting houses along the left-hand side of penalty area 10th Hole.

    • Over the concrete path at right hand side of 17th green from penalty area marker near 10th bridge to the timber fence at rear 18th tee. Also, beyond the green as marked at garden bed and fencing

    • When playing the 18th hole.
        • The beach area beyond the boundary fence line at left hand side of fairway.

        • 9th hole (whole area from dam to rear of green). The OOB is defined by stakes located adjacent the edge of the gutter of the cart-path which starts at rear of the green extending down the path to the penalty area markings adjoining the dam.

        • The internal OOB marked by stakes to west of the 18th green, encompassing the 9th tee and the 8th green

        • The internal OOB to the east of the 18th green encompassing the teaching fairway and picnic tables.

Overview of OOB Boundaries on 18th hole.

Out of Bounds on 18th hole – looking back to the tee


Temporary Greens

The 5A & 17A Temporary Greens (and fringe) shall be considered “Compulsory GUR.”

A ball coming to rest on these greens or if the green physically interferes with your area of intended stance or area of intended swing, you MUST NOT play the ball as it lies.

Instead, you MUST take free relief by dropping a ball in the relief area under rule 13.1f.

The relief area is one club-length from nearest point of complete relief, not nearer to the hole.



The Coast Golf Club endorses and recommends READY GOLF – Hit when READY

If a group loses a hole on the group in front for whatever reason, then the following group must be called through.

Penalties may apply. Refer RULE 5.6

Penalty: 2 shots per hole (maximum of 4 shots) and applies to ALL of the group

Continuous infringement of this rule will see playing rights curtailed.


If such a tree (in the general area) interferes with the player’s stance or area of intended swing, the ball must be lifted without penalty and dropped per the procedure prescribed in RULE 24-2b (1). The ball may be cleaned when lifted.


Stones in Bunkers are moveable obstructions RULE 15.1


When playing the 7th hole and the ball is virtually certain to have entered the penalty area on the left side of the hole, the player, if using the drop option of RULE 17.1d, MAY drop in the prepared drop zone indicated by red stakes with white tops located at the beginning of the fairway.

10th HOLE – Out Of Bounds Behind the Green

The Red Penalty Area at the dam wall has now been removed and replaced as an Out of Bounds Area. 


If a shot made during play of the 12th hole strikes the ventilation pipe, the shot must be replayed without penalty.


Any ball that has rolled down to the bottom of the path past the blue line on the path (marked on gutter, either side of path), and is at rest on the path, may be lifted and dropped within the dedicated drop zone. This drop is without penalty.
The Drop Zone area is marked out by red and white topped stakes. 


When playing the 18th hole and the ball is SEEN to enter the penalty area in front of the 18th green, the player, if using the drop option of RULE 17.1d, MAY drop in the prepared drop zone indicated by red stakes with white tops located to the left of the fairway at the top of the hill.


When preferred lies are permitted, a ball lying on the closely mown (closest cut portion) of the golf course, may, without penalty may be moved by hand or may be lifted, cleaned and placed within 15cm of where the ball originally lay, but not nearer the hole. After the ball has been moved and placed, it is in play.

Before the ball is moved or lifted, it must first be marked (RULE 14.1).

IN DROP ZONES – All designated drop zones (7th, 16th, 18th) and any temporary drop zones, can be played as “Preferred Lies” at all times. Even when Play As It Lies conditions are in play.


Where indicated on notices at the Golf Shop area or on the Club web page (accessible through QR Codes on all tee sign), the Committee may advise of the application of a Temporary Local Rule which may be needed to cover a special condition applicable on the day of play.


Through the green, a ball that is embedded in its own pitch mark in the ground, other than sand, may be lifted without penalty, cleaned and dropped as near as possible to where it lay but no nearer the hole. The ball when dropped must first strike a part of the course through the green.

Note: a player may not obtain relief under this Local Rule if it is clearly unreasonable for him to make a stroke because of interference by anything other than the condition covered by this Local Rule. (RULE 16.3)


If a player determines the ball to be unplayable within a bunker and Casual Water does not permit relief to be taken at a point no closer to the hole within the bunker, a player MAY drop outside the bunker at the nearest point to where the ball reasonably crossed the margin under penalty (RULE 19.3). 


All players are required to carry and use a bucket containing sand, repair all fairway divots and pitch marks on greens


If any situation is not covered by the Rules of Golf or Local Rules, the decision should be made in accordance with EQUITY (RULE 20.3) AND BROUGHT TO THE NOTICE OF THE MATCH COMMITTEE IMMEDIATELY
